Zonya Brewton conducted a Dashboard Training for our staff and it has revolutionized the way that we have meetings and has maximized productivity and accountability. The dashboard exposed opportunities for the team to plan further ahead and to own their area of responsibility fully. The dashboard is cross-functional because you can use it in a meeting or to manage your desk or personal projects. Dashboards have forever changed the way that I plan. Thank you Zonya! You are amazing!!
Zonya Brewton’s training and workshops have transformed our volunteer ministry and the culture of our organization through the Dashboard training, Cultures and Behavior Workshop and recently the Customer Experience Class. Zonya is so passionate about moving organizations forward effectively and in excellence and it shows through her delivery and interactive approach. If everyone’s organization incorporated Customer Experience classes, there would be little to know customer issues. The volunteers left the training, requesting additional training from their incredible experience that broke down everyone’s role in treating others as customers. Very enlightening!
Zonya Brewton has been instrumental in the internal cultural transformation of my organization. Our process began with a time of organizational assessment, where we identified the needs of the organization. After the assessment, Ms. Brewton held a series of workshops on cultures and behaviors, operational effectiveness, process mapping, and meeting management. In addition, Zonya held trainings that focused on customer experience and leadership. Through Zonya Brewton's Step Up Organizational Development and Training Services, we have transformed our organization which has enabled us to make a greater impact, set us up for future growth, and empowered us to fulfill our vision in excellence. I highly recommend her to you and your company, business, church, or organization!
Pastor Kerrick Butler, II
I recently completed a Customer Experience Training course delivered by Zonya Brewton. The course was a balanced combination of large group lecture and small group interactive experiential learning. What I appreciated most about the large group lecture was (1) the inclusion of customer-centric interaction examples we could all identify with, (2) an explanation of the different levels of customer service interactions and problem resolution, and (3) the importance of creating customer service interactions that keep the customer coming back. What I appreciated most about the small group interactive experiential learning was the ability to rotate through small group customer interactions specific to our individual departments. This helped trainees understand that individual interactions in each department play an integral part in a customer's positive or negative experience. The training was well timed, although I really was not focused on the time because I was having fun. Materials, presentation slides, logistics, and delivery were very professional.
Juanicki McAndrews
Our main objective is to assist with Organizational Development and Training of Non-Profits, enabling them to operate more efficiently and effectively through a structured assessment of needs and application of the appropriate level of development and training.
- Organizational Assessment
- Organizational Development
- Training Classes